Sunshine Vitamin Against Swine Flu

First Health Organization to combat the pandemic takes vitamin D as the first official Government Health Organization now the public health agency of Canada (PHAC) considered the use of vitamin D to control the swine flu. Originally, the effect of the “sunshine vitamin” should be examined in a three-year testing period on the seasonal flu outbreaks. The looming pandemic has accelerated substantially these considerations. In the United States alone, has already sent 36 children have died of swine flu (CDC) and if the research results about the relationship between “Vitamin D-Winter” and exist is the culmination of the swine flu is only towards the end of the “vitamin D winters” to expect from January-February-March April,”. Read additional details here: Dropbox. PHAC will apply this strategy now also on the H1N1 virus, to prevent serious consequences of infection, “so the official announcement of the public health agency. The evidence pile up according to her that vitamin D the development of antibacterial agents promotes and that prevent this a range of infections including influenza viruses. Scientists have long puzzled why the flu waves spill almost always in the “dark season” across the country, why the virus shuns the light, so to speak.

A group of British and U.S. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Doronin. researchers, including well-known names like the PROFS. Cannell, Vieth, Holick, Garland, grant, and Giovanucci found out the reason: vitamin D deficiency due to lack of sunshine on the skin. Already in 1981, the British scientist R. Edgar hope-Simpson the presumption, expressed that there was a “seasonal release” there and had suspected already in the rays of the Sun, or better it the lack thereof. A review study of Prof.

Reinhold Vieth, and others go a step further. From previous studies, the influence of vitamin D is (more accurately known as the 1,25(OH)2D) hormone on the immune system. On the one hand, the vitamin helps in the production of antimicrobic peptides which fight the virus, on the other hand it ensures also that the fight not out of control runs and destroyed E.g. lungs and respiratory tract. Since in our latitudes already in October of the “vitamin D-winter” where the production of vitamin D in the body due to exposure is always low and eventually stop begins, and because modern humans already “undersupplied through his life and way of working with Sun” is, can the flu viruses in this time break through the natural defensive barriers of the human body and spread en masse. lbmedien


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